Faculty of Medicine

Pre-Graduation Medical Education Student Board Directive

Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council
Working Procedures and Principles


Purpose, Basis, and Definitions

ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of these procedures and principles is to regulate the working organs and principles of the Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine.

ARTICLE 2 – (1) These procedures and principles are prepared based on Article 11/3 of the Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine Education-Teaching and Examination Regulation.

ARTICLE 3 – (1) In this regulation, the following terms are defined as:

  1. Dean: The Dean of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine.
  2. Faculty: Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine.
  3. Faculty Management Board: The Management Board of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine.
  4. MÖTEK: Pre-graduation Medical Education Coordination.
  5. MÖTEÖK: Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council.
  6. Student: A student enrolled in Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Medicine.
  7. Student Representative: A student elected according to the Student Council Election Regulation of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University.
  8. Class Representative: A student selected from among the students of each class.


Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council, Duties, and Responsibilities

Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council
ARTICLE 4 – (1) The MÖTEÖK consists of one student representative from each class in both the Turkish and English programs, and one member from each student club representing the students in the faculty, as selected by their management boards. The student representatives elected to the Student Council are natural members of the MÖTEÖK.
(2) Class representatives are selected from among volunteers in each class within 15 days after the start of the academic year, under the coordination of the dean’s office, by a majority vote.
(3) The appointment of MÖTEÖK members is proposed by the dean and approved by the faculty management board.
(4) MÖTEÖK is responsible to the dean, faculty council, and management board in its activities.
(5) If a member's term expires or if they leave for any reason, a new appointment will be made within 15 days by the same procedure. If a member wishes to withdraw from membership, they must submit a reasoned petition to the MÖTEÖK, and if deemed appropriate by the dean’s office, their appointment will be terminated. A member whose term has expired may be reappointed.
(6) If a member fails to attend two (2) consecutive meetings without a valid excuse or a total of four (4) meetings, their situation will be evaluated in the following MÖTEÖK meeting, and if a majority decision is reached, a proposal will be made to the dean’s office for their membership to be terminated.
(7) The term of MÖTEÖK is one (1) year.

Duties and Responsibilities
ARTICLE 5 – (1) The duties and responsibilities of the MÖTEÖK are as follows:

  1. To ensure effective student participation in the management, planning, implementation, evaluation, and updating processes of the pre-graduation medical education program.
  2. To enhance communication and cooperation among stakeholders of medical education in the faculty, providing opportunities for systematic exchange of views between management bodies and students to support continuous development.
  3. To collect feedback from students regarding the educational activities, health, sports, and cultural needs, and make recommendations to the relevant faculty boards.
  4. To inform students about medical education-related conferences, scientific research, and publications, and ensure active participation in these activities.
  5. To inform students about curriculum evaluation studies and revisions made to the curriculum in the faculty.
  6. To collaborate with the Dean’s Office, Department of Medical Education, MÖTEK, faculty members, student clubs, and other relevant persons and institutions during activities.
  7. To contribute to the coordinated and cooperative work of student clubs in the faculty and encourage them to organize joint activities.


Working Procedures and Principles of the Pre-graduation Medical Education Student Council

Working Procedures and Principles
ARTICLE 6 – (1) The working procedures and principles of MÖTEÖK are as follows:

  1. MÖTEÖK meets at least once a month during the academic year.
  2. In the absence of the president, the vice-president chairs the meeting.
  3. For decisions to be made in meetings, more than half of the members must be present. Decisions are made by a majority vote, and in the event of a tie, the decision of the side with the president is valid.
  4. The decisions, views, and recommendations taken are recorded in a minutes document and submitted to the Dean’s Office.
  5. If needed, the dean and/or vice-deans may attend the meetings.
  6. The president may call for an extraordinary meeting of MÖTEÖK upon the request of at least five (5) members.
  7. The council works in communication and coordination with the faculty management and academic/administrative units.
  8. MÖTEÖK archives all activities and hands over the archive to the next year’s members.

Duties Distribution and Definitions
ARTICLE 7 – (1) At the first meeting, MÖTEÖK selects a president and secretary from among the members, appoints a vice-president from the members, and makes a task distribution for the one (1) year term.
(2) The President is responsible for representing MÖTEÖK in all platforms, coordinating the activities, setting the meeting agenda, calling members to the meeting, and presiding over MÖTEÖK.
(3) The Secretary is responsible for following up the meeting minutes, sending them to the members, archiving them along with related documents, and managing all MÖTEÖK correspondence. All archived documents and information are transferred to the MÖTEÖK of the following year.
(4) Members are responsible for representing the relevant students in the council, fulfilling the tasks assigned to them, and attending the meetings they are invited to.
(5) Work groups may be formed by MÖTEÖK members or students from relevant classes, with the approval of the Dean’s Office, to carry out activities according to the annual work plan.
(6) The NewOne (YeniBiri) Project, which aims to help first-year students and introduce them to the university, will be managed by a working group formed by MÖTEÖK, and necessary information will be updated on the website and related platforms.
(7) Students not members of MÖTEÖK, but working in these groups, may be invited to meetings without voting rights.


Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Matters not covered by these provisions
ARTICLE 8 – (1) For matters not covered by these procedures and principles, decisions of the faculty management board shall be followed.

ARTICLE 9 – (1) Amendments proposed by MÖTEÖK, accepted by a simple majority, are submitted to the faculty council agenda by the Dean’s Office, and the amendments are enacted with the approval of the faculty council.

Entry into Force
ARTICLE 10 – (1) These procedures and principles shall enter into force on the date they are approved by the faculty council.

ARTICLE 11 – (1) These procedures and principles shall be executed by the Dean on behalf of the faculty council.