Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi

R&D 2021





Research and Development studies, which were carried out in our faculty for 2021, were determined within the scope of Academic Incentive and announced for departments/academicians. Accordingly, the studies carried out within the scope of Academic Incentive in our Faculty were mainly in the titles of citation, publication, conference paper, project, and research.

The largest part of Academics' Incentive scores came from citations made to articles. The second major component in incentive scores was publications. No study has been carried out under the titles of Design, Patent, Award, and Exhibition, which are within the scope of Academic Incentive.

The number of our faculty members is 89 and 40 of them have done studies that will exceed the 30-point threshold for Academic Incentives in 2021. In this context; Faculty members from 11 departments, namely

  • Computer Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Electrical-Electronics Engineering
  • Energy Systems Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
  • Software Engineering


applied for academic incentives at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. The score distribution of these departments is given in Table 1.

Faculty members of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences prepared/contributed to the preparation of 75 articles in 2021 and published them in international indexed scientific journals. Both the impact factors of the journals, in which the studies published in 2021, and the number of citations made to the publications in the previous years indicate the quality of the publications of our academicians.

Table 1. Academician Average scores in studies performed by departments
Department Project Research Publication Citation Conference Paper Total
Computer Engineering 0.000 0.000 24.697 18.675 0.600 43.972
Biomedical Engineering 8.000 0.000 19.079 18.150 0.000 45.229
Electrical - Electronics Engineering 0.000 0.000 11.704 23.743 0.414 35.861
Industrial Engineering 0.000 0.000 29.556 24.360 10.600 64.52
Energy Systems Engineering 0.000 0.000 13.920 25.400 3.000 42.3
Civil Engineering 0.000 0.000 14.460 19.920 0.270 34.6
Chemical Engineering 0.000 0.000 12.300 30.000 0.000 42.3
Mechanical Engineering 0.000 0.000 11.687 26.150 0.150 38.0
Mathematics 0.000 0.000 1.800 28.725 0.000 30.5
Metallurgy and Materials Engineering 0.000 2.500 11.384 25.550 1.875 41.3

The Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences applied for 2021 Academic Incentives with a total of 1716.41 points.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Figure 1. Average score distribution by departments (i.e. the blue column shows the average score of the faculty members who received incentives, and the orange column shows the average obtained by dividing the points received by the members of the department by the total number of members in the department)

Industrial Engineering department achieved the highest average among the applicant faculty members, and highest score obtained by dividing the obtained member points by the number of members in the department. In this case, it would be more appropriate not to consider the average for the Chemical Engineering Department, that has only two members.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Figure 2. Number of faculty members who applied for Academic Incentives and scored above 30 according to departments

As seen in Figure 2, the highest number of applications came from the Department of Mechanical Engineering with 8 faculty members.

Another analysis is given using Figure 3 to explain the relationship between the total number of members in the departments and the number of faculty members applying to the academic incentive program.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Şekil 3. Number of faculty members who applied and did not apply for Academic Incentives in the departments

When Figure 3 is examined, it can be seen that only all members of Biomedical Engineering (i.e. 2 members in total) and Chemical Engineering (i.e. 2 members in total) departments applied to incentives. When the figure is examined in general, it can be seen that the ratio of the number of faculty members who applied to the Academic Incentive program to the total number of faculty members is around 45%.

Finally, in Figure 4, the contribution of each section is given in percentiles.

A generic square placeholder image with rounded corners in a figure.
Figure 4. Ratios of points earned in the faculty in terms of Academic Incentive components