AYBU Library


Our University has signed a Protocol with the following Libraries. In line with these protocols, our academic staff can benefit from the following Universities and the National Library within the framework of the conditions specified. For this, they must apply with the "Protocol Form" they will receive from our libraries.


(Applicable to Academic Staff only)

University                      Academic Staff  Date Form
Ankara University Loan Service 20.09.2022-20.09.2026 Click.
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Loan Service 21-12.2023-21.12.2027 Click.
Social Sciences University of Ankara Loan Service 25-12.2023-25.12.2027 Click.
Atılım University Loan Service 01.09.2022-31.08.2025 Click.
Bilkent University Loan Service 01.07.2023-01.07.2024 Click.
Gazi University Loan Service 27.10.2021-27.10.2024 Click.
Hacettepe University Loan Service 30.04.2022-30.04.2025 Click.
Middle East Technical University Loan Service 01.11.2020-30.09.2023 Click.
Turkish Court of Account Loan Service 30.06.2023-30.06.2027 Click.