Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University

"Experiences Guiding Students under the Leadership of Prof. Dr. Banu MÜJDECİ" Interviews with Those Who Contributed to Audiology were Held


Within the scope of the "Those Who Contributed to Audiology" Project carried out by Prof. Dr. Banu MÜJDECİ, a faculty member of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Audiology Department, together with all the graduates of the 2023 undergraduate programme of AYBÜ Audiology Department; interviews were conducted with 16 respected, well-known and successful scientists from Türkiye and 10 from the world who contributed to the science of audiology, aiming to share their experiences, knowledge and suggestions with audiology students and all interested professionals. The videos of these interviews were published on AYBU Audiology YouTube channel. In order to be permanent artefacts, a Turkish e-book titled "People Contributing to Audiology" consisting of the Turkish texts of the interviews and an English e-book titled "People Contributing to Audiology" consisting of the English texts of the interviews were published. With this project, it is aimed that the experiences, knowledge and suggestions of successful scientists in their field will guide students and all interested professionals in the field of Audiology.


Interview link:

e-kitap link:

English e-book link:

English e-book link: