"Practical Training on Academic Visibility Strategies" for the academic visibility coordinators of the departments was held on 28 March 2024 at the conference hall of Etlik Milli İrade Campus by AYBÜ Quality Commission Member Dr. Abdullah DEMİR.
Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa ORÇAN made the opening speech of the training. ORÇAN stated that the academic world is a highly competitive environment, in this environment, it has become more important than ever to recognise the work of researchers, academic visibility is the degree to which a researcher's work is known and recognised by other academics, and visibility is an important factor that directly affects the impact of research and the career development of the researcher. He also pointed out that having high academic visibility increases the impact of research, supports the career development of the researcher, provides new collaborations and funding opportunities, and contributes to the dissemination of scientific knowledge. He stated that this training will focus on the answer to the question "How to increase academic visibility?". He also stated that after this training, the participants will be assigned as "Departmental Academic Visibility Coordinator" to provide information and technical application support to the faculty members in their own departments about the visibility of their publications.
Prof. Dr. Abdullah DEMİR shared academic visibility strategies practically with the academic staff. DEMİR stated that academic visibility refers to how effectively a researcher can share and promote his/her work, that this is an important issue at both personal and institutional level, and that the importance of academic visibility is increasing especially today. Afterwards, he pointed out that there are various strategies to increase academic visibility and provided practical information on academic visibility strategies. In this context, he demonstrated how researchers can add their information and publications to ORCID, Google Scholar, Web of Science, SCOPUS and AYBU Academic Data Management System and how to make a connection for automatic data transfer between the relevant databases. It was announced that the aim of this training is to provide information and technical application support to the academic visibility coordinators of the departments about the visibility of the publications of the faculty members in their departments and to make all publications visible in the academic profiles of all faculty members as soon as possible. The event ended with the participants asking questions and receiving answers.
The video recording of the training was published on the YouTube page of our University. Academic Visibility Strategies Practical Training Video Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpcCWBPY5Io&t=4922s