AYBÜ Vocational School of Social Sciences


History of School

Founded in 2016, Vocational School of Social Sciences was established in 2021 with the division of Vocational School of Technical Sciences and Vocational School of Social Sciences.

Within the Vocational School of Social Sciences, Public Relations and Publicity, Civil Aviation Cabin Services, Civil Defense and Firefighting are programs that actively accept students. There are also Cooking, Real Estate Management and Bus Captain programs within our Vocational School.

Students studying in the Public Relations and Publicity program within our Vocational School may have a double diploma with the Double Major Program. The Civil Aviation Cabin Services program has been certified by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, the national aviation authority, to comply with International Aviation Standards. Accordingly, our students who meet the success standards will graduate with an internationally recognized "Cabin Crew Basic Training Certificate" in addition to their graduation diplomas. Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University is the FIRST and ONLY state university authorized to provide "Cabin Crew Basic Training" in Turkey.

Vocational School of Social Sciences continues its education in an environment intertwined with nature in Çubuk Campus. It provides the best education to its students with its technological infrastructure and qualified academic staff.

Our vocational school, which has adopted the task of educating individuals who are qualified and professionally competent at the associate degree level required by the country, respectful to human rights and ethical values, is in close relations with the sector stakeholders in the fields in which it provides education. Our civil aviation cabin services program has educational cooperation protocols with Pegasus Airlines and TGS Ground Services, and our Aircraft Technology program has educational cooperation protocols with Turkish Aerospace Industry (TAI).